CPP survivor and death benefits explained 2024
Unlike the rest of your savings, which you add to your will, CPP benefits aren’t part of your estate, and you have little control over them. Find out what happens to them after contributors pass on.
Unlike the rest of your savings, which you add to your will, CPP benefits aren’t part of your estate, and you have little control over them. Find out what happens to them after contributors pass on.
Providing for a disabled child can be a lifetime job. But what happens after that? Henson Trusts are designed to help you make sure your child is taken care of even when you're not there.
Creating a will isn’t typically high on our list of priorities. Often we procrastinate, pushing it off as long as possible, until it’s buried beneath a million other “more pressing” tasks. That’s when we risk forgetting about doing it entirely. But, completing your will needs to be done eventually, and the truth is now is the best time to do it.
Many of our clients ask us Can we skip probate by adding our child’s name to our account? At first glance, this seems to offer a simple sidestep away from those extra fees. However, like many simple solutions, there’s more to it than meets the eye.
You’ve put a lot of time and effort into your will. You've spent the time having those difficult discussions and dwelling on something you’d rather not. The last thing you want is for the taxman to come in and wreak havoc on your carefully considered plan. It’s essential to consider all angles when you’re planning your will. Unfortunately, taxes and tax planning need to be a part of that plan.
Most farmers don’t enjoy thinking about selling the family farm, the dream they’ve worked so hard to build. It’s more than just a business – your farm is your home, your heritage. But, by not prioritizing farm succession planning, you risk setting your farm up for failure, or at least a less effective, bumpier change of hands.