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Our View

On the latest financial trends and news.


Lifestyle Inflation Thumbnail

Lifestyle Inflation

Let’s take a moment and rewind – back before you started your career, your relationship or your family. Back then, when you had more time and less money, how much did you spend? What about now? The difference between the two is lifestyle inflation.

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The 4 Ds of tax planning Thumbnail

The 4 Ds of tax planning

Taxes are hard. Even Einstein had problems with them and he was a genius. But we've got good news, if you strip it back to the essentials, you can sum up a good tax strategy in four words.

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Should I Delay Taking CPP until I'm 70? Thumbnail

Should I Delay Taking CPP until I'm 70?

Work doesn’t look anything like it did prior to 2020, and neither does retirement. Some people decided to retire early and leave all the changes and technical challenges to the younger generation, while others are working longer now that their commute is down to five minutes, and business casual got really casual. With all these changes, it can be hard to decide when to take CPP.

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