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Our View

On the latest financial trends and news.


Tax-Free First Home Buyer’s Savings Account Thumbnail

Tax-Free First Home Buyer’s Savings Account

Numbers from Statistics Canada and the Canadian Real Estate Association show the average national home price is more than seven times the average household income. Combined with the recent rise in interest rates, this has made the dream of owning a house much more difficult. To bring the dream back within reach, the government is stepping in with the creation of the First Home Savings Account (FHSA).

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Benefits of working with a Financial Advisor Thumbnail

Benefits of working with a Financial Advisor

When talking about our finances, we often get caught up in the dollars and cents, and the tangible return on investment (ROI) we can use to improve our lives. But, if that's the main criteria we use when we’re looking for a Financial Advisor, we may miss other important aspects. of the relationship and end up working with an advisor that doesn’t fit with our needs or wants.

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Dealing with Market Turbulence Thumbnail

Dealing with Market Turbulence

After a rather stormy couple of years, the NASDAQ has officially entered bear territory. For many, years of savings have lost value. However, as counterintuitive as it sounds, now is not the time to change your investing strategy.

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What is an RESP? Thumbnail

What is an RESP?

Registered Education Savings Plans, otherwise known as RESPs, allow you to start saving for your child’s future aspirations early. In this blog, we'll cover RESPs in detail and how you can make the most of them.

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